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Filmy v 720p :: Devils.Playground.2010.720p.BluRay.x264-TiTANS

19. 10. 2010 | 16:15 | HD-forum.cz

Autor: mibpaparatsy Předmět: Devils.Playgrou­nd.2010.720p.Blu­Ray.x264-TiTANS Zaslal: 19 Říj 2010 15:21 (GMT 1) Téma Odpovědi: 0 "  Near future. Newgen Industries, the largest pharmaceutical company, has invented a drug called RAK-295. However, running in the manufacture and sale of the substance of a sudden, as opposed to lengthy trials, one of the patients gave an unusual side effect, broke out into a catastrophe. The drug is added force to the patient slowed mental capacity and added aggression, along with complete madness.

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